Pkgod Nike SB Blazer Mid Premium Sashiko



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Nike SB Blazer Mid Premium SashikoName:Pkgod 

Model: CT0715-200

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About  Nike SB Blazer Mid Premium Sashiko

The shoes were released in 2021 for $160.

About Pkgod (also known as Perfect Kicks)

PkgodI believe all 
 (also known as Perfect Kicks) fans are familiar with it. pk factory started in 2008 with a mission to one day be able to make 1:1 exact copies of shoes.Pkgod is a high-quality replica brand of sneakers. The Pkgod factory adopts high-quality materials and advanced stitching technology equivalent to the original factory and is excellent in detail processing and shaping.

6 years ago, Pkgod started getting bigger as a factory in China and started to expand to produce more quantity while remaining the quality.

Perfect Kicks has become famous all over the world, and more and more people are buying Pkgod version of replica sneakers, which is very exciting.

Now, buy Pkgod 1:1 replica sneaker at a discount on Stockxshoes.

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